k a0/2pi (usually assumed to be 1) dsigdbeta dSigma/dBeta etaht htail efficiency etavt vtail efficiency M flight Mach number CL lift coefficient wingtotail distance from LE wing root to LE htail root wingtovtail distance from LE wing root to LE vtail root b wing span S wing area Lambda0 wing LE sweep (deg) cr wing root chord ct wing tip chord hnw wing neutral point bht htail span Sht htail area Lambda0ht htail LE sweep (deg) crht htail root chord ctht htail tip chord hnht htail neutral point bvt vtail span Svt vtail area Lambda0vt vtail LE sweep (deg) crvt vtail root chord ctvt vtail tip chord hnvt vtail neutral point Ss fuselage projected side area Lf fuselage overall length d cg distance from nose h fuselage average height h1 fuselage height at 0.25*Lf h2 fuselage height at 0.75*Lf w1 fuselage width at 0.25*Lf w2 fuselage width at 0.75*Lf