by Bill Standerfer - KF0DJ - Baron N222AB - CFI-A, II, MEI
VXI Systems Division, PO Box 301, Loveland, CO 80539 -- 303-679-2378
Danish Vintage Aircraft Collection (Dansk Veteranflysamlung)
Sauning Lufthavn, Skjern 6900
Tel: 07-369044
Hours: 3PM-5:30PM Tuesday-Friday; 1PM-5PM Saturday-Sunday or on request.
Aviation Museum of Central Finland (Keski-Suomen Ilmailumuseo)
Tikkakoskentie 125
FIN-41160 Tikkakoski
Tel: +358-(0)14-3752 125
Hours: June 1-August 15: 10 AM-8 PM daily. August 16-May 31: 11 AM-5 PM daily.
Halli Aviation Museum (Hallinportti Ilmailumuseo)
35600 Halli
Tel: 942-82112 ext. 272
Hours: May-August: 6PM-7PM Monday-Friday, 2PM-7PM Saturday-Sunday; admission
during September-April is by prior permission only.
National Aviation Museum (Suomen Ilmailumuseo)
PL 42, 01531 Helsink-Vantaa-Lento
Tel: 90-821-870, Hours: midday-6PM daily.
Tampere Technical Museum (Tampereen Teknillinen Museo)
Itsenaisyydenkatu 21, 33500 Tampere 50
Tel: 931-32-00, Hours: midday-6PM Tuesday-Sunday.
Air and Space Museum (Musee de l'Air et de l'Espace)
Aeroport du Bourget, 93
Tel: 837-01-73, Hours: 10AM-6PM Monday-Friday (closes at 5PM October-April), 10AM-
midday and 2PM-6PM Saturday-Sunday).
Champagne Aeronautical Museum (Musee Aeronautique de Champagne)
Aerodrome de Brienne-le-Chateau, 10
Tel: 3325-9284-11, Hours: variable.
Jean-Baptiste Salis Association (L' Amicale Jean-Baptiste Salis)
Aerodrome de la Ferte-Alais, 91
Tel: 331-6457-5289
German Museum of Achievement in Science and Technology (Deutsches Museum von
Meisterwerken der Naturwissenschaft und Technik)
Museumsinsel 1, 8000 Munchen 22
Tel: (089) 2179, Hours: 9AM-5PM daily.
This is a magnificent technology museum with many hands-on displays of all sorts of transportation vehicles, from early wooden ships to an Airbus wing and fuselage section. Ships, planes, trains, submarines - everything! Some of the displays include engines (jets, recips, etc.) with handles you can turn to explore how the insides work. I think it was free admission, but there may have been a small charge. One full day is not enough to take this one in!
Helicopter Museum (Hubschrauber Museum)
Postfach 1310, Sablepatz, Buckeburg 3062
Tel: 057-22-5533, Hours: 9AM-5PM daily.
Transport Museum (Kozlekedesi Muzeum)
Varosligeti Korut 11, Budapest XIV
Tel: 420-565, Hours: 10AM-6PM Tuesday-Sunday.
Caproni Aeronautical Museum (Museo Aeronautico Caproni di taliedo)
Via Durini 24, Milano 20122
Tel: 78-19-15
Opening times: Vizzola Ticino is open on summer Sunday afternoons, otherwise
by prior permission only; Venegono Superiore by prior permission only.
Museum of the History of Italian Military Aviation (Museo Storico
Dell'Aeronautica Militare Italiana)
Aeroporto di Vigna di Valle, Vigna di Valle 00062
Tel: 6-9024-034
Hours: June-September 9AM-6PM Tuesday-Sunday, Oct-May 9AM-4PM Tuesday-Sunday.
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direct comments and suggestions to W.H. Mason,