by Bill Standerfer - KF0DJ - Baron N222AB - CFI-A, II, MEI
VXI Systems Division, PO Box 301, Loveland, CO 80539 -- 303-679-2378
Schiphol Centrum, Amsterdam 1118AA
Tel: 020-173640
Hours: 10AM-5PM daily April-October, 10AM-5PM Tuesday-Sunday in winter.
Aviodome Schiphol (international airport near Amsterdam)
Tiger Moth, Spitfire, DC-3, DeHavilland Rapide (in pieces), others,
many in Dutch markings. On the airport a short walk from the terminal.
Admission approximately Dfl 4 (=$2 late 1988). A small but interesting
collection. (Wayne Angevine)
Museum of Military Aviation (Militaire Luchtvaart Museum)
Kamp van Zeist, Soesterberg 3769ZK
Tel: 03404-34222, Times: April-October 10AM-4PM daily.
Museum of Transport and Technology
Great North Road, Western Springs, Auckland 2
Tel: 9-860-198, Hours: 9AM-5PM daily.
Royal Norwegian Air Force Collection (Kongelige Norsk Luftforssvaret Museet)
Gardermoen Lufthavn, Gardermoen 2062
Tel: 06-94-10-00, Hours: 10AM-2PM Saturday-Sunday, May-October.
Museum of Aviation and Space (Muzeum Lotnictwa l Astronautyki)
30-969 Krakow 28
Tel: 44-71-81, Hours: May-October, 10AM-2PM daily.
First Polish Military and Air Museum
Lubuskie Military Museum - Drzonow near Zielona Gora - Poland
Air Museum (Museu Do Ar)
Alverca do Ribatejo 2615
Tel: 258-27-22, Hours: 10AM-midday and 1:30PM-6PM Tuesday-Saturday, 10AM-midday and 2PM-6PM Sunday.
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