by Bill Standerfer - KF0DJ - Baron N222AB - CFI-A, II, MEI
VXI Systems Division, PO Box 301, Loveland, CO 80539 -- 303-679-2378
Air Force Museum
141170 Monino, Moscow
Tel: 2445624 ext. 2186 or 2225, Hours: 10AM-1PM, 2:30PM-5PM Monday-Thursday; 10AM-2:30PM Saturday; but access is restricted.
Air Museum (Museo Del Aire)
Cuatro Vientos, Madrid, Hours: 10AM-1PM Tuesday-Sunday.
Malmen Air Force Museum (Flygvapenmuseum Malmen)
Box 13 300, S-580 13 Linkoping
Tel: 013-29-92-70, Hours: midday-3PM Sunday-Friday.
Swiss Transport Museum (Verkehrshaus der Schweiz)
Lidostrasse 5, Luzern CH-6006
Tel: 041-31-44-44, Hours: March-November 9AM-6PM daily; December-February 11AM-4PM Tuesday-Saturday, 10AM-5PM Sunday.
Royal Thai Air Force Museum
Don Muang Air Force Base, Bangkok
Tel: 2-523-5151
Hours: 8:30AM-midday, 1PM-4:30PM Monday-Friday; 9AM-midday, 2PM-5PM first weekend in month, also occasionally other weekends.
Location: about 15 miles northeast of the city center on the military side of the airport.
Fleet Air Arm Museum
Royal Naval Air Station, Yeovilton, Ilchester, Somerset BA22 8HT.
Tel: 0935-840551 ext. 521, Hours: 10AM-5:30PM or to dusk, if earlier, daily.
Imperial War Museum
Lambeth Road, London, SE1 6HZ
Tel: 01-735-8922
Hours: 10AM-5:30PM Monday-Saturday, 2PM-5:30PM Sunday; closed bank holidays.
Site of the main aircraft collection:
Duxford Airfield, Duxford, Cambridgeshire Cb2 4QR
Tel: 0223-833963
Hours: 10:30 AM-5:30PM daily March 15-November 2, closed Good Friday and May bank holiday., Admission: 2 to 3 pounds
Many airplanes of all types. They specialize in WWII types, but also have
Concorde s/n 2, a B-52, and others. Displays of tanks and other vehicles. A
German V-1 rocket with launch rack, Me-193, Me-163. Plan on spending all day. It may be a GA airport, so you could fly in. (Jordan Brown, Wayne Angevine)
Mosquito Aircraft Museum
Box 107, Salisbury Hall, London Colney, Near St. Albans, Hertfordshire AL2 1BU
Tel: 0727-22051, Hours: 10:30AM-6PM Sunday and Bank Holidays, Easter--October; and 2PM-5:30 PM, Thursdays July-September.
Museum of Army Flying
Army Air Corps Centre, Middle Wallop, Stockbridge, Hampshire S020 8DY
Tel: 0264 62121 Hours: 10AM-4PM daily.
Aerospace Museum, RAF Cosford
RAF Cosford, Woverhampton, West Midlands WV7 3EX
Tel: 090-722-4872
Hours: 10AM-4PM daily April-October, 10AM-6PM Monday-Friday November-March.
Battle of Britain Museum
Hendon, London NW9 5LL
Tel: 01-205-2266
Hours: 10AM-6PM Monday-Saturday, 2PM-6PM Sunday, closed bank holidays.
Admission is free or cheap, and it is a good most-of-the-day trip. They have good examples of: Lancaster, Vulcan, Valiant, Blue Steel standoff missile, Thor IRBM, English Electric Lightning, Chain Home radar, various displays on WWII bombing, various Spitfires, some good captured German stuff, incl. Me109, He111?, and lots of other good stuff. It is located on the outskirts of London, a matter of a 30 minute tube ride from Charing Cross Underground station. You take the Northern Line toward Edgware. The Colindale station is 14 Stops from Charing Cross. Exit the station and turn left and RAF Hendon Museum is about a 10 minute walk (there are signs).
Bomber Command Museum
Hendon, London NW9 5LL
Tel: 01-205-2266
Hours: 10AM-6PM Monday-Saturday; 2PM-6PM Sunday. Closed bank holidays.
RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight
RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire LN4 4SY
Tel: 0526-42581 Hours: by permission.
Royal Air Force Museum
Hendon, London NW9 5LL
Tel: 01-205-2266
Hours: 10AM-6PM Monday-Saturday, 2PM-6PM Sunday, closed some bank holidays.
RAF Museum Reserve Collection (not open to the public)
RAF St. Athan Historic Aircraft Collection
RAF St. Athan, Barry, South Glamorgan CF6 9WA, Wales
Tel: 044-65-3131
Hours: by prior permission only or 2PM-5PM on the first Sunday in every month.
Science Museum
Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2DD
Tel: 01-589-3456, Hours: 10AM-6PM Monday-Saturday, 2:30PM-6PM Sunday, closed bank holidays.
Shuttleworth Collection
Old Warden Aerodrome, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire SG18 9ER
Tel: 0767-27-288, Hours: 10:30AM-5:30PM daily, check times in winter.
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