Museums list: Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska

from the Virginia Tech Aircraft Design Information Sources pages

by Bill Standerfer - KF0DJ - Baron N222AB - CFI-A, II, MEI
VXI Systems Division, PO Box 301, Loveland, CO 80539 -- 303-679-2378
some recent additions by Bill Mason, Virginia Tech


Naval Air Test and Evaluation Museum
Intersection of Route 235 and Shangri-La Drive
Lexington Park, MD, Tel: 301-863-7418
According to the brochure, NATEM "has many interesting exhibits. Aircraft on museum grounds represent bygone eras of successful fleet aviation. Exhibits inside the museum tell the story of how Naval aircraft, their systems and components are actually tested." ("SANDE WALLFESH" Outside there is the last RA-5C built, an AV-8B, A-4M, CH-53A, A-7A, S-2D, E-2B, F-4D, Skyray and a UD-1B. Inside there is a Goodyear inflatoplane and a DASH helicopter.

Paul E. Garber Preservation, Restoration, and Storage Facility
Suitland, MD
Tel: 202-357-1400
Hours: tours at 10 weekdays, 10 and 1 weekends, all by reservation only! This is even more fun than the NASM for hard core airplane nuts! You need to call for reservations a couple of days in advance for weekdays, or possibly several weeks in advance for weekends. The place is about half an hour from downtown DC. The escorted tour (the only kind they allow) takes about 3 hours. You'll go through 5 or so hangers (of about 20 they have) and see an absolutely incredible number of projects and displays they have waiting. This is where they do the work for the displays downtown, and where they store them before and afterwards. Downtown has about 40 or 50 pieces on display at any one time, but the museum has almost 400 planes in the collection. No food at the facility.


Battleship Cove Marine Museum
Exit 5 on I-195
Fall River, MA.
Hours: Daily 9-5
You can crawl around on several 20th century U.S. Navy ships, including the Battleship Massachusetts, the WWII submarine U.S.S. Lionfish, and the destroyer Kennedy.


Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village
The Edison Institute, 20900 Oakwood Boulevard, Dearborn, Michigan 48121 Tel: 313-271-1620 Hours: 9AM-5PM daily.

Kalamazoo Air Zoo
Kalamazoo Airport (AZO)
Kalamazoo, MI
Lots of war birds restored to flying condition. "One of the best air museums I've ever visited." (Robert Grove)

Yankee Airforce
Yipsillante, MI
They have lots of planes, including a B52 that you can climb around in, B17 in rework. This bird was an air sea rescue and former fire bomber. They have a gift shop and put on an airshow once in awhile. The hanger is the former B-24 plant that henry Ford built.


Minnesota Air Guard Museum
Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, MN 55111-0598
Tel: 612-725-5609
Hours: 11am-4pm mid-April through mid-September. Escorted tours by appointment.
Minneapolis-St. Paul MN airport.
To drive to the Air Guard Base, go south from intersection of Crosstown (Highway 62) and Highway 55. Visiting the Museum is to turn back the the calendar to mid-1920 when dreams of an aviation squadron in the Minnesota National Guard first took form. Then to follow that dream through the many experiences as it grows into the Minnesota Air National Guard as it exists today. The collection includes C-45, C-47, C-131, F-89, F-94, F-101, F-102, F-4, L-4, P-51, Pietenpohl, T-33, and T-6. All of these aircraft were used by the Minnesota Air National Guard.

The Air Museum "Planes of Fame" East
14771 Pioneer Trail, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344
Tel: 612-941-2633 or 612-293-0075
Hours: 11AM-5PM Saturday-Sunday during May-September, other times by apt.


Harold Warp Pioneer Village
Minden, Nebraska 68959
Tel: 309-832-1181
Hours: 8AM-Sunset daily.
Some interesting aviation pieces among the extensive early 1900's displays. This is an interesting place to spend a weekend even if you're not into airplanes. All displays indoors. Fly into Minden airport and take the courtesy car. Restaurant and hotel at the museum.

Strategic Air Command Museum
2510 Clay Street, Belleville, Nebraska 68005
Tel: 402-292-2001 Hours: 8AM-5PM daily.

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