Museums list: Utah, Virginia, Washington, DC, Washington State, Wisconsin

from the Virginia Tech Aircraft Design Information Sources pages

by Bill Standerfer - KF0DJ - Baron N222AB - CFI-A, II, MEI
VXI Systems Division, PO Box 301, Loveland, CO 80539 -- 303-679-2378


Hill Aerospace Museum
Hill AFB, Utah 84056
Tel: 801-777-7400 (also 801-777-6868?)
Hours: 9AM-3PM Tuesday-Friday, 9PM-5PM Saturday, 11AM-5PM Sunday.
Closed: Mondays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years
Admission: free
Ogden, UT - about 40 miles north of Salt Lake City on Interstate 15. Take the Roy exit. The museum is just east of the freeway. The Hill Air Force Base Museum is a 36 acre site on the Northwest corner of Hill AFB, UT. (Roy exit, #341, I-15). Aircraft on display include: B-17G, B-29, BOMARC, C-119, C-123, C-131B, C-45, C-47B, F-100A, F-101B, F-102, F-104, F-105D, F-105G, F-4, F-84F, F-86D, F-89, H-21C, H-34C, H-43B, O-2, RB-57A, T-33.


Marine Corps Air-Ground Museum
Quantico, Virginia 22134
Tel: 703-640-2606 Hours: 10AM-5PM Tuesday-Sunday, April-November.

United States Army Transportation Museum
Fort Eustis Virginia 23604
Tel: 804-878-3603
Hours: 8AM-5PM Monday-Friday, 10AM-5PM Saturday, midday 5PM-Sunday.

Virginia Air and Space Center, Hampton, Virginia. This collection is based on the old NASA Visitor's Center collection, with additional aircraft. Includes a Rutan Veri-EZ, the YF-16, and several other airplanes. Also has some interesting wind tunnel demonstrations.

Washington, DC

National Air and Space Museum
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560
Tel: 202-357-3133
Hours: 10AM-5PM daily; admission to the Garber facility by appointment only (see Maryland). Also a must see with everything imaginable from the Wright Flyer and Spirit of St. Louis to Apollo Lunar Lander.

Washington State

Museum of Flight
9404 East Marginal Way South, Seattle, Washington 98108
Tel: 206-767-7373
Hours: June-September 10AM-5PM daily; October-May 10AM-5PM Tuesday-Saturday, midday-5PM Sunday.
Southwest end of the field, near the Boeing factory. Indoor displays of all types of civil and military aircraft. GA parking is on the opposite side of the field. B-17, B-47, P-51, Boeing 80, Rutan Varieze, Taylor's plane/car convertible, Stearman, F9F Cougar (?), DC-3, and many others.


EAA Air Adventure Museum
Experimental Aircraft Association
3000 Poberezny Road, Wittman Field, Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54903
Tel: 414-426-4818, Hours: 8:30 AM-5PM Monday-Saturday, 11AM-5PM Sunday.
A beautiful facility with many warbirds and other types on display.

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