1997 (W.H. Mason)
- MacMillin, P.E., Golovidov, O.B., Mason, W. H., Grossman, B.,
and Haftka, R. T.,
"An MDO Investigation of the Impact of Practical Constraints on an HSCT Configurarion," AIAA 35th Aerospace Sciences
Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, AIAA Paper 97-0098, Jan., 1997.
- Marchman, J.F. III, and Mason, W.H., "Freshman/Senior Design Education," International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1997, pp. 143-152
- Giunta, A.A., Balabanov, V., Haim, D., Grossman, B., Mason, W.H.,
Watson, L.T., and Haftka, R.T., "Multidisciplinary Optimisation
of a Supersonic Transport Using Design of Experiments Theory and
Response Surface Modelling," Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 101,
No. 1008, October 1997, pp. 347-356.