Several utility programs are useful. This appendix provides the input instructions, codes and test cases.
Airfoil geometry generation. For airfoils with analytically defined ordinates, this program produces airfoil definition data sets in the format required for PANELv2. This includes NACA 4-digit, 4-digit modified and 5-digit airfoils. In addition, the NACA 6 and 6A camber lines are available. The user can combine any combination of thickness and camber lines available within these shapes. This provides a wide range of airfoil definitions.
This is the NASA program that provides a reasonable approximation to the NACA 6 and 6A series airfoils. It was written by Charles Ladson and Cuyler Brooks.
This program provides the NACA conical camber geometry.
This program provides detailed wing geometry definition for a straight line wrap lofted wing.
This code provides a means of making smooth changes to airfoil shapes. This routine is included in PANELv2.
Post processing of PANELv2 for use in CBL
This is a subroutine that provides the 1976 standard atmosphere used in program FRICTION.